User’s Guide
Hands Free
The LS 3603 can be used as a fixed-mount scanner with the Scanstand Plus or
IntelliStand model stands.
Scanstand Plus Operation
The Scanstand Plus may be used for all host interfaces except wand emulation
with Norand terminals. Place the LS 3603 in the Scanstand Plus with the nose
pointing toward the target bar code, and pull the trigger. The scanner will
operate in a continuous-on mode, decoding any bar code placed over the
target bar code. The LS 3603 reads the target bar code between decode
attempts to prevent accidental double reads.
To enter continuous-on mode, pull the trigger once with the scanner in the
Scanstand Plus.
To exit continuous-on mode, pull the trigger once while the scanner is still in
the Scanstand Plus.
IntelliStand Operation
The IntelliStand can be used in a number of different mounting arrangements.
Place the LS 3603 in the stand, and it automatically turns on in a blinking,
hands-free mode. Any symbol passed over the red scan line will be decoded.
To conserve power, after a short period of time of non-use, the scanner will
operate in a reduced power mode. See the IntelliStand
Quick Reference Guide
for full details.