TANDBERG D13187-03 Network Router User Manual

Appendix 1: Using the file system
It is possible to access a file system within the TANDBERG GATEWAY by using ftp:
DOS-window: ftp <IP-address of gateway>, or
Web-browser: ftp:// <IP-address of gateway>
Description of the different folders
user - a folder to be used for custom files, images and audio files etc.
tmp - not used in the Gateway
Description of the different files
all.prm - all settings in the system (including directory)
dir.prm - directory entries
event.log - logs fault situations etc.
sw.pkg - the system software
user/relkeys.v1 - storage for the last used release keys (when upgrading to a newer version)
What can be done by using the file system?
· upload of custom images
· upload software