
Teledex IP250D User’s Guide SIP/MGCP
3.3.3 Handset Settings
This sub-page allows configuration of the MGCP IP Phone display and function key
settings. If you want the IP phone’s extension number to be displayed on the LCD during
idle operation, enter the phone’s extension number, or leave blank if you wish not to
display a number. Enter the key / command sequences to be sent to the MGCP call agent
for class 5 features. The class 5 features available on the MGCP IP Phone are:
Call Forwarding (FWD) • Call Hold / Retrieve (HOLD)
Call Transfer (XFER) • Conference Calls (CONF)
If the key / command sequence contains a "flash" event, you may specify this by using
"f" or "F" (e.g. "F7" = "flash" + "7"). You may also enter the extension / number of the
voice mail (MSGs) service on the network. Press SAVE HANDSET SETTINGS to save.
3.3.4 VLAN Settings
To enable VLAN for MGCP and audio traffic, set the VLAN TAG and PRIORITY TAG. Press
SAVE VOIP VLAN SETTINGS to save the VLAN settings. Reset the unit to have the new
settings take effect.
If the device is running the SIP protocol, select SIP from the menu. This will provide sub
options to configure the SIP server and device endpoint settings.
3.4.1 SIP Settings
This page allows configuration of the SIP server and endpoint settings. Enter the IP
address and port value of the SIP server. If no SIP server address is entered, the device will
attempt to self-provision a SIP server using a DNS query. For this to be successful, ensure
that the DNS settings on the device include a DNS server address which is configured
with the SIP server address and will respond to the query, and the appropriate domain
name of the network. Enter the domain name of the network. For the endpoint, set the
dial plan to be used by all lines, and select the transport method to be used in the SIP
signalling (either UDP or TCP). For each line on the endpoint (note: the IP phone has a
single line), enter the line phone number, Caller ID name, signalling port value, password,
and select whether AEC is to be performed. All settings, except for the port value, are
optional. Press SAVE SIP SETTINGS to save the new values. Reset the unit to have the new
settings take effect.
3.4.2 OOB Signalling Settings
Under this section various options for handling DTMF are available. Press SAVE RFC2833
SETTINGS to save the new values. Reset the unit to have the new settings take effect.