4.0 Operation
The M460H has been designed for simple and trouble-free operation. The Sections
below detail the operational features of the M460H.
4.1 Front Panel Display
4.1.1 O
The current ozone concentration is displayed in the 4 digit readout in the center of the
display. The concentration is displayed in the currently selected units, either wt% or
4.1.2 Pressure Display
The pressure inside the measurement cell can be displayed on the readout by pressing and
holding the ‘Pressure’ key on the front panel. The pressure is displayed in units of psia
(pounds per square inch absolute.) The normal ambient pressure at sea level is about
14.7psia. Ambient pressure at higher elevations will be somewhat less.
The M460H can accurately measure ozone at cell pressures of 12 - 20psia. Care should
be taken in setting up the monitor to avoid over-pressurizing the cell, as this will result in
erroneous readings.
4.1.3 Zero Calibration
A Zero Calibration can be performed on the monitor at any time by simultaneously
pressing the two ‘Zero’ buttons on the front panel. The monitor will briefly display
dashes (‘----‘) after which the concentration should quickly go to zero.
The Zero Calibration is calculated based on the current measurement in the cell; so care
must be taken to ensure that all ozone is purged from the cell before pressing the ‘Zero’
If the Auto-Zero option is not used, API recommends performing a manual Zero
Calibration on the monitor once a week.
4.1.4 Status LED’s
The four status LED’s to the right of the display indicate the general status of the Model
460H Monitor. During normal operation, after the monitor has warmed up, the green
‘Sensor OK’ LED should be on and all other Status LED’s should be off. For
information on troubleshooting using the Status LED’s, see Chapter 7.
P/N 03662D Teledyne API Model 460H O
Monitor Operator Manual - Page 19