
Toshiba Corporation Digital Media Network Company
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© 2005, Copyright TOSHIBA Corporation All Rights Reserved Extended Self-test log sector
The following table defines the format of each of the sectors that comprise the Extended SMART Self-test log.
The size of the self-test log is 1 sectors.
The Extended SMART self-test log sector shall support 48-bit and 28-bit addressing. All 28-bit entries
contained in the SMART self-test log, defined under section shall also be included in the Extended
SMART self-test log with all 48-bit entries.
Extended Self-test log data structure
Byte First sector Subsequent sectors
0 Self-test log data structure revision number Reserved
1 Reserved Reserved
2 Self-test descriptor index (7:0) Reserved
3 Self-test descriptor index (15:8) Reserved
4-29 Descriptor entry 1 Descriptor entry 18n+1
30-55 Descriptor entry 2 Descriptor entry 18n+2
…. .... ....
472-497 Descriptor entry 18 Descriptor entry 18n+18
498-499 Vendor specific Vendor specific
500-510 Reserved Reserved
511 Data structure checksum Data structure checksum
n is the sector number within the log. The first sector is sector zero
This log is viewed as a circular buffer. The first entry will begin at byte 4, the second entry will begin at byte 30
and so on until the nineteen entry, that will replace the first entry. Then, the twenty entry will replace the
second entry, and so on. If fewer than 18 self-tests have been performed by the device, the unused descriptor
entries will be filled with zeroes. Self-test descriptor index
The Self-test descriptor index indicates the most recent self-test descriptor. If there have been no self-tests, the
Self-test descriptor index is set to zero. Valid values for the Self-test descriptor index are zero to 18. Self-test log data structure revision number
The value of the self-test log data structure revision number is 01h.