AR-B1375/AR-B1376 User s Guide
(3) I/O Channel Signal Description
Name Description
BUSCLK [Output] The BUSCLK signal of the I/O channel is asynchronous to
the CPU clock.
RSTDRV [Output] This signal goes high during power-up, low line-voltage or
hardware reset
SA0 - SA19
[Input / Output]
The System Address lines run from bit 0 to 19. They are
latched onto the falling edge of "BALE"
LA17 - LA23
The Unlatched Address line run from bit 17 to 23
SD0 - SD15
System Data bit 0 to 15
BALE [Output] The Buffered Address Latch Enable is used to latch SA0 -
SA19 onto the falling edge. This signal is forced high
during DMA cycles
-IOCHCK [Input] The I/O Channel Check is an active low signal which
indicates that a parity error exist on the I/O board
[Input, Open collector]
This signal lengthens the I/O, or memory read/write cycle,
and should be held low with a valid address
IRQ 3-7, 9-12, 14, 15
The Interrupt Request signal indicates I/O service request
attention. They are prioritized in the following sequence :
(Highest) IRQ 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (Lowest)
The I/O Read signal is an active low signal which instructs
the I/O device to drive its data onto the data bus
-IOW [Input/Output] The I/O write signal is an active low signal which instructs
the I/O device to read data from the data bus
-SMEMR [Output] The System Memory Read is low while any of the low 1
mega bytes of memory are being used
The Memory Read signal is low while any memory location
is being read
-SMEMW [Output] The System Memory Write is low while any of the low 1
mega bytes of memory is being written
The Memory Write signal is low while any memory location
is being written
DRQ 0-3, 5-7 [Input] DMA Request channels 0 to 3 are for 8-bit data transfers.
DMA Request channels 5 to 7 are for 16-bit data transfers.
DMA request should be held high until the corresponding
DMA has been completed. DMA request priority is in the
following sequence:(Highest) DRQ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
-DACK 0-3, 5-7
The DMA Acknowledges 0 to 3, 5 to 7 are the
corresponding acknowledge signals for DRQ 0 to 3 and 5
to 7
AEN [output] The DMA Address Enable is high when the DMA controller
is driving the address bus. It is low when the CPU is driving
the address bus
This signal is used to indicate a memory refresh cycle and
can be driven by the microprocessor on the I/O channel
TC [Output] Terminal Count provides a pulse when the terminal count
for any DMA channel is reached
SBHE [Input/Output] The System Bus High Enable indicates the high byte SD8 -
SD15 on the data bus