Figure 4-4 Port Setting
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Port Setting
Port: Select the desired port for configuration. It is multi-optional.
Status: Allows you to enable of disable the port. “Enable" indicates that
the port is operational and "Disable" indicates the port is
non-operational. If a port is unused for a long time, its status can
be set to “Disable” to cut down the energy cost.
Speed/Duplex: Select the Speed and Duplex mode for the port. The device
connected to the switch should be in the same Speed and Duplex
mode with the switch. Available field values are “Auto”, “10M HD”,
“10M FD”, “100M HD”, “100M FD” and “1000M FD”. "HD" stands
for Half-Duplex and "FD" stands for Full-Duplex. "Auto" means
auto negotiation.
Flow Control: Allows you to On/Off the Flow Control feature. When “On” is
selected, the switch can synchronize the speed with its peer to
avoid the packet loss caused by congestion.