Unitech PT600/630 Scanner User Manual

Updating Your Inventory
Now that you have had a chance to go through your scanned items, you can
select which ones you want to integrate into Furniture Wizard. From the “Inventory
Reconciliation Program” window, select the items that you want to import, by adding a
checkmark next to them in the Inventory Reconciliation Program window. If you wish to
add all of the items you have scanned in, then you can click on the “Tag All” button and
all of the items will be marked for you.
Now that you have selected which items you wish to permanently add to your
Furniture Wizard database as items in your inventory, simply hit the “Update Inventory”
button and all changes will be made.
Congratulations! You have now updated your inventory.
Click individually on the items that you wish to select to be imported, or
click on the “Tag All” button
Click on “U
date Inventor
” to end
our inventor