Applications Standard payment applications are available from VeriFone to interface with most
ECRs. Applications for the terminals are written using a C-based programming
language. These programs can be downloaded directly from an ECR, another
terminal, or a development PC using the MX800 Series terminal System Mode.
Terminal System Mode can also be used for diagnostics, changing the password,
and Master Key injection. For further information on System Mode, see the
MX800 Series Reference Manual.
Total Cost of
The MX800 Series terminals have been designed to be flexible and future proof,
delivering a low total cost of ownership.
The modular terminals can be configured at the factory or in the field by a trained
technician. The flexibility and versatility of the terminals allow use of the terminals
with different capabilities in different stores or locations. The terminals can be
purchased with the modules that meet today's requirements, and other
capabilities can be added as and when needed.