ZyXEL Communications A-6000 Switch User Manual

Alignment Tools Level vs. RSSI :
RSSI (dBm) Level
-90 0
-45 90
Alignment Tools vs. SNR :
Beep Frequency SNR (dB)
0 SNR< =25
0.975Hz 25<SNR<=30
1.95Hz 30<SNR<=35
3.9Hz 35<SNR<=40
7.8Hz 40<SNR<=45
15.6Hz 45<SNR<=55
31.2Hz 55<SNR<=60
5.11. Special Notice for Waterproof Installation
Most problems of waterproof installation for the outdoor units are caused by the loose connections due to
vibration or other forces, under this condition, it is possible for the moisture to penetrate into the main unit
from the connector. The following procedures are recommendations for outdoor waterproof installation.
Step 1. Ensure that you already fasten all connectors tightly.
Step 2. Tightly wrap two layers of self-bonding insulating tape forward and backward over the physical
connection (the tape from a good brand is recommended). Extending two inches beyond the
connectors or beyond the end of heat-shrinkable tubing on the RF coaxial cable and overlapping the
tape on each turn are also required for better waterproof installation.
Step 1
Step 2
RF coaxial
POE cable
Figure 5-10 Waterproof installation of cable connections