ZyXEL G-202 User’s Guide
Chapter 4 Wireless Station Mode Configuration 53
4.4.1 Adding a New Profile
Follow the steps below to add a new profile.
1 Click Add in the Profile screen. An Add New Profile screen displays as shown next.
Click Next to continue.
Figure 31 Station Mode: Profile: Add a New Profile
Delete To delete an existing wireless network configuration, select a profile in the table
and click Delete.
Edit To edit an existing wireless network configuration, select a profile in the table and
click Edit.
Profile Info The following fields display detail information of the selected profile in the Profile
List table.
Network Type This field displays the network type (Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc) of the profile.
SSID This field displays the SSID (Service Set IDentifier) of the profile.
Channel This field displays the channel number used by the profile.
Security This field shows whether data encryption is activated (WEP (WEP or 802.1x),
WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK) or inactive (DISABLE).
Transmission Rate This field displays the transmission speed of the selected profile in megabits per
second (Mbps).
Table 11 Station Mode: Profile (continued)