
Add-On Devices
Replacing the Hard Disk Drive
Corporate Evaluator’s Guide 109
• To prepare a hard disk drive module in the expansion base, follow these steps:
Windows 98
1. Install the hard drive module and reboot the computer.
2. Click Start, Run, and type fdisk.
3. When prompted, choose to enable large disk support.
4. Choose option 5 to change a current disk drive, then select drive number 2.
5. Choose option 1 to create a DOS partition, and let it use the entire drive.
6. When the process finishes, press ESC to exit.
7. Restart the computer.
8. Double-click My Computer.
9. Right-click the new hard disk drive (it may be drive D), then click Format. Follow
the instructions that appear.
Windows 2000 or XP
1. Install the hard drive module.
2. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, then double-click Administrative Tools
(Windows 2000), or click Start, Control Panel, Performance and Maintenance,
Administrative Tools (Windows XP).
3. Double-click Computer Management, then click Disk Management in the tree.
4. In the lower-right pane, right-click the unused area of the new disk (probably
disk 1) and click Create Partition. Follow the instructions that appear to create an
NTFS partition that uses the entire drive.