Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Troubleshooting Your Computer
Corporate Evaluator’s Guide 167
• If you’re using both displays, the DVD image will not appear on any display set up as
“secondary.” Open Display in Control Panel, click Advanced on the Settings tab, and
change settings.
If the computer can’t find Wordpad.exe after inserting a CD
• The system is trying to open a .doc file in WordPad, but cannot find the Wordpad.exe
program file. Type C:\Program Files\Accessories in the error message box.
Display problems
If the computer is on, but the screen is blank
• Move the mouse or pointing stick. This will wake the display if it is off.
• Try pressing Fn+F2 to increase the display brightness.
• Press Fn+F5 in case the internal display was disabled. (Do this three times to return to
the state you started from.)
• If the computer is cold, allow it to warm up.
If the screen is difficult to read
• Try setting the display resolution to its default setting of 1024×768: click Start,
Settings, Control Panel, double-click Display, then click Settings (Windows 98 or
2000), or click Start, Control Panel, Appearance and Themes, Display, Settings
(Windows XP).
If an external display does not work
• Check the connections.
• Press Fn+F5 in case the external monitor was disabled. (Do this three times to return
to the state you started from.)
• The external monitor may not be detected. In the BIOS Setup utility, try setting Video
Display Device to Both in the Main menu.
• If you’re using a TV connected to the S-video port on an expansion base, you must
activate the TV—see “To use a TV set as a monitor“ on page 99.
• Test the display with the e-Diagtools diagnostics— see “Testing the Hardware“ on
page 187.