HP Support and Service
Getting Assistance for Your Computer
204 Corporate Evaluator’s Guide
North America
United States: (970) 635-1000
Canada: (905) 206-4663
Mexico City: 52-58-9922
Outside Mexico City: 01-800-472 6684
Guadalajara: 669-9500
Monterrey: 378-4240
South America
From Argentina: 0810-555-5520
Outside Argentina: 5411-4778-8380
São Paulo: (11) 3747-7799
Outside São Paulo: 0800-157751
Venezuela: 0800-157751
Austria: +43-(0)7114-20-1080
Dutch: 32-(0)2-626-8806
French: 32-(0)2-626-8807
Czech Republic: 42-(0)2-6130-7310
Denmark: +45-39-29-4099
Finland: 358-(0)203-47-288
France: +33 (0)1-43-62-34-34
Germany: +49-(0)180-52-58-143
Greece: +30-(0)1-619-64-11
Hungary: +36-(0)1-382-1111
Ireland: +353-(0)1-662-5525
Italy: +39-02-264-10350
Netherlands: +31-(0)20-606-8751
Norway: +47-22-11-6299
Poland: +48-22-519-06-00
Portugal: +351-21-317-6333
Russian Federation:
Moscow: +7-095-797-3520
St. Petersburg: +7-812-346-7997
Spain: +34-902-321-123
Sweden: +46-(0)8-619-2170
Switzerland: +41-(0)848-80-11-11
Turkey: +90-216-579-71-71
Ukraine: +7-380-44-490-3520
United Kingdom: +44-(0)207-512-52-02
English (international): +44-(0)171-512-52-02
Asia and Australia
Australia: 61-3-8877-8000
Hong Kong: 852-800-96-7729
India: 91-11-682-6035
Indonesia: 62-21-350-3408
Japan: 81-3-3335-8333
Seoul: 82-2-3270-0700
Outside Seoul: 080 999-0700
Penang: 60-3-295-2566
Outside Penang: 03-295-2566
New Zealand: 64-9-356-6640
People’s Republic of China: 800-810-5959
Philippines: 63-2-867-3551
Singapore: 65-272-5300
Taiwan: 886-2-2717-0055
Thailand: 66-2-661-4000
Vietnam: 84-8-823-4530
Africa/Middle East
Dubai: +971-(0)4-8839-292
Israel: +972-(0)9-952-4848
RSA: 086-000-1030
Outside RSA: +27-(0)11-258-9301
For best service, make sure you have as much of the following available when you call.
• Your computer’s model and serial number.
• Your computer’s operating system.
• Any messages displayed when the problem occurred.
• Were there any changes to the computer, software, related hardware, or accessories
before this occurred? Can the problem be re-created?