Add-On Devices
Using Plug-In Modules
86 Corporate Evaluator’s Guide
Using Plug-In Modules
You can use any compatible plug-in module with the multimedia expansion base’s
module bays, such as:
• CD-ROM, DVD, or similar drive.
• Zip drive.
• Second hard drive.
• Floppy disk drive.
• Secondary battery.
Never install or remove a plug-in module without first notifying Windows, or you
could lose data. See “To replace a plug-in module“ on page 86.
To install hot-swap support (Windows 98)
If your computer uses Windows 98, it also includes the BayManager “hot-swap” software
that lets you disconnect most modules from a plug-in bay in the expansion base without
needing to shut down and reboot the computer.
If a plug-in module icon is displayed in the taskbar, BayManager is already installed. If
the icon is not present, you can install the software as follows:
• Click Start, Programs, Softex BayManager, Setup, then follow the onscreen
To replace a plug-in module
Windows 98 uses “hot-swap” software to let you remove or replace most plug-in
modules without shutting down the computer. Before replacing a hard drive module,
however, you must first shut down the computer.
When a drive module is present, Windows 2000 displays the Unplug or Eject Hardware
icon—and Windows XP displays the Safely Remove Hardware icon—at the right end of
the taskbar.