About this document
This document explains how to install, or upgrade to, Version 8.4 of the HP OpenVMS Alpha
or OpenVMS for Integrity servers operating system. Also included are the prerequisites for
installing and upgrading your software and the required and optional tasks you can perform
after you complete the software installation or upgrade.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for anyone responsible for installing or upgrading the OpenVMS Alpha
or OpenVMS Integrity servers operating system, and for the startup, shutdown, and backup
operations required on Alpha or Integrity servers running this software.
When to Use This Manual
Use this manual if you need to install or upgrade the OpenVMS operating system software
yourself or if you need to perform certain startup, shutdown, or backup operations. If you received
factory-installed software (FIS) with your Alpha system or Integrity servers, see the release notes
provided with the software, and use this manual for any information not covered in those release
New and Changed Information in this Edition
The following information is new or revised for OpenVMS Version 8.4:
• With this release, the operating environments (OEs) providing OpenVMS Integrity server
elements have been changed:
— Beginning with OpenVMS Version 8.4, the Base Operating Environment (BOE) replaces
the Foundation Operating Environment (FOE) as the tier of the Operating Environment
for OpenVMS for Integrity servers. The BOE offers the base operating system and
networking transport products and more.
— The High Availability Operating Environment (HA-OE) includes some of the OpenVMS
products that were formerly included with the Mission Critical Operating Environment
(MCCOE) and Enterprise Operating Environment (EOE). The HA-OE additionally offers
the products included with the BOE like the following (they were formerly part of the
EOE and are now part of the BOE):
◦ DECram
◦ OpenVMS Management Station
For more information, see the HP Operating Environments for OpenVMS for Integrity servers
Software Product Description (SPD 82.34.xx).
• OpenVMS Integrity servers now support a power management interface from the Integrity
Lights Out (iLO) console and from the Insight Power Manager (IPM) software. The power
management interface is available only on systems that support the iLO power management
interface. For more information about iLO power management interface available for your
Integrity servers, see the iLO MP Operations Guide. IPM provides centralized monitoring
and control of server power consumption and thermal output. (Although OpenVMS still
supports the SYSGEN parameter CPU_POWER_MGMT, the iLO interface takes precedence
over this parameter.) Before installing OpenVMS Integrity servers, check that power
management is set in the state that you prefer. For more information, see the HP OpenVMS
System Management Utilities Reference Manual.
• OpenVMS Integrity servers support virtual keyboard, video, and mouse (vKVM) with
Integrity servers (rx2660, rx3600, and rx6600 Integrity servers and the BL860c and BL870c
About this document 15