to alert you and allows you to terminate the upgrade so you can create more disk space and
try the upgrade again.
NOTE: If the files on your system disk are badly fragmented, you might not be able to
complete an upgrade, even when the amount of disk space appears to be sufficient. HP
recommends that you back up and restore the system disk prior to upgrading. Restoring
the system disk from an image backup defragments the disk. For information about backing
up and restoring your system disk, see Appendix F (page 301).
To see how much space you have on the system disk, enter the following command:
4.7.6 Returning Authorization and AGEN$INCLUDE Files to the System Disk
If you place authorization and AGEN$INCLUDE files on disks other than the system disk, the
upgrade procedure will not find these files. This is because the other disks are not mounted
during the upgrade. In addition, the logical names you set up to point to these files are not defined
during the upgrade. The following sections explain how to make these files available to the
upgrade procedure. Authorization Files
OpenVMS allows you to relocate certain system files (mostly authorization files) off the system
disk. You do this by copying the files to another location and then defining logical names as
documented in the file SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.TEMPLATE. The logical names are
When you boot your system from the OpenVMS operating system media, the logical names
pointing to these files are not defined, and the disks where they are located are not mounted.
Because of this, the upgrade cannot access the relocated files, possibly resulting in an incorrect
or incomplete upgrade. The upgrade might finish without error, but the files might not be in
place as expected.
Before upgrading your system, check the definitions of these logical names on your system. (If
a file has not been relocated, the corresponding logical name might not be defined. This is
acceptable.) If any logical name points to a location or file name other than the location and file
name listed in Table 4-2, return the file to the default location and file name. To prevent the
system from referencing the files located off the system disk, either delete the associated logical
name (using the DCL command DEASSIGN/SYSTEM/EXEC), or shut down the operating system
and reboot from the operating system media. After the upgrade and before booting the operating
system, you can move these files back to their original locations off the system disk, using the
DCL option (8) from the OpenVMS operating system menu.
NOTE: Some files listed in Table 4-2, such as SYS$SYSTEM:VMS$PASSWORD_HISTORY.DATA
and SYS$LIBRARY:VMS$PASSWORD_POLICY.EXE, might not exist on your system, depending
on certain configuration settings. For information about these files, see the HP OpenVMS Guide
to System Security manual.
Table 4-2 Logical Names for Relocated Authorization Files
Location and File NameLogical Name
4.7 Preparing the System Disk 89