NOTE: If you are using a DEC 3000 or 4000 series system, note the following:
• On DEC 3000 series systems, you can boot through the InfoServer using an alternate
TURBOchannel device, such as a PMAD (Ethernet) or DEFTA (FDDI), by specifying
the device name as “n/ESA0”. The value for n is the TURBOchannel slot number, which
you can obtain by entering the SHOW CONFIGURATION command at the console
prompt (>>>) and examining the display. For more information, see Section A.1.8
(page 175).
• On DEC 4000 series systems, you must specify the ISL file name in uppercase (APB_084).
3. The InfoServer ISL program then displays the following menu:
Network Initial System Load Function
Version 1.2
1 - Display Menu
2 - Help
3 - Choose Service
4 - Select Options
5 - Stop
Enter a function ID value:
4. Respond to the prompts as follows, pressing Enter after each entry:
a. Enter 3 for the function ID.
b. Enter 2 for the option ID.
c. Enter the service name (ALPHA084 is the default service name for the InfoServer
hardware; for the InfoServer utility, ask your system or network manager for the service
A sample display follows:
Enter a function ID value: 3
1 - Find Services
2 - Enter known Service Name
Enter an Option ID value: 2
Enter a Known Service Name: ALPHA084
3.2 Booting the OpenVMS Operating System Media 47