— Installation of optional products: You can choose to install the following optional
products with the OpenVMS installation:
◦ DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS
◦ HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
◦ DECnet Phase IV or DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
If you select DECnet Phase IV or DECnet-Plus for installation, you must specify
the DECnet address to be used. Enter the DECnet address as 0.0 if you plan
to use DECnet without Phase IV compatible addresses.
NOTE: WBEM Services for OpenVMS and WBEM Providers for OpenVMS are
automatically installed as part of the OpenVMS OS installation.
— SCSNODE: Value of the SCSNODE system parameter for OpenVMS on the target
server. The value must be a combination of least one letter and numbers ranging
from 1 to 6.
— SCSSYSTEMID: Value of the SCSSYSTEMID system parameter for OpenVMS on
the target server. If you have selected DECnet for installation and provided a valid
DECnet address, the SCSSYSTEMID parameter is automatically computed by
provisioning based on the DECnet address.
— Create/Validate Boot Options: Select this option if you want OpenVMS to create
a new boot option when none exist for the selected system disk, or to validate an
existing boot option in the EFI Boot Manager boot options menu.
NOTE: If this option is enabled, and no boot option exists for the selected system
disk, Provisioning sets the VMS boot flags for the new boot option as 0,0.
— Time Zone Settings: Time zone in which the target server resides. Depending on
the time zone selected, you need to indicate whether daylight saving is currently
being observed and the time differential factor with respect to the Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC).
Verify the information provided for each target server and click Next.
D.1 HP SIM Provisioning of OpenVMS 263