
FOE Foundation Operating Environment. Discontinued operating environment for OpenVMS for
Integrity servers available prior to OpenVMS Version 8.4 and since replaced by the Base
Operating Environment (BOE).
See also BOE, DCOE.
See FOE.
Global Workload
See gWLM.
gWLM HP Integrity Essentials Global Workload Manager. The VSE Management Software application
that provides centralized, intelligent, policy-based resource management across multiple HP
servers. The resource-sharing policies increase system utilization and facilitate controlled sharing
of system resources. gWLM's monitoring abilities provide both real-time and historical
monitoring of resource allocation.
See also HP SIM, VSE, WBEM (Web-Based Enterprise Management Services for OpenVMS).
HP Binary
HP Binary Checker validates the kits signed using HP Code Signing Service (HPCSS). This
validator is available with the OpenVMS operating system from OpenVMS Version 8.4 onwards.
Changes have been made to VMSINSTAL and PCSI to use the validator. Some of the layered
products that use VMSINSTAL will be signed the way in which the PCSI kits were signed.
CDSA signing will be discontinued after the OpenVMS Version 8.4 Release.
See also CDSA.
HP SIM HP Systems Insight Manager. The unified infrastructure management strategy foundation
which provides the platform and framework on which the VSE Management Software products
are deployed. HP SIM (an HP implementation of WBEM) provides simplified, centralized
management of multiple servers and platforms through a web-based, unified interface.
See also gWLM, provisioning, VSE, WBEM (Web-Based Enterprise Management Services for
HP Systems
Insight Manager
HRS Human Recognition Service Standard. HRS provides generic authentication service suitable
for use with any form of human authentication (biometrics) for operation with CDSA.
See also CDSA.
HSx device A self-contained, intelligent, mass storage subsystem (for example, an HSJ or HSG) that lets
computers in a cluster environment share disks.
HSx drive Any disk or tape drive connected to an HSx device (for example, an HSJ or HSG). A system
disk on an HSx drive can be shared by several computers in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.
Service Standard
See HRS.
Hyper-Threading Supported on systems that have dual-core processors, this feature provides the ability for
processors to create a second virtual core that allows additional efficiencies of processing. For
example, a dual-core processor with Hyper-Threading active can run four threads.
iCAP Instant Capacity. Supported on cell-based Integrity servers, the HP Utility Pricing Solutions
product that allows you to purchase and install additional processing power through the use
of a two-step purchase model. Initially, you purchase system components (cores, cell boards,
memory) at a fraction of the regular price because the usage rights are not included. These
Instant Capacity components are inactive but installed and ready for use. When extra capacity
is needed, you pay the remainder of the regular price for the usage rights to activate the
components. If the regular price for the component is reduced by the time the usage rights are
purchased, the remainder price is proportionally reduced, providing additional savings. After
obtaining usage rights, Instant Capacity cores can be turned on by the Instant Capacity software
or during installation.
Earlier versions of iCAP were referred to as Instant Capacity on Demand, or iCOD.
See also TiCAP.
328 Glossary