NOTE: If you boot the OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD or OpenVMS Integrity servers
OE DVD from an InfoServer but lose your connection during the installation or upgrade procedure
(the system is unresponsive and pressing Ctrl/Y does not return you to the menu), do the
THEN ...IF ...
You previously chose the
1. Reboot the OpenVMS CD DVD.
2. Choose the install/upgrade option (1) on the menu and perform the installation or
upgrade procedure again.
You previously chose the
1. Reboot the OpenVMS CD or DVD.
2. Enter the DCL environment by choosing option 8 on the menu.
3. Mount the device containing your backup copy of the target disk and the device that
is your target disk.
4. Restore the backup copy of your target disk by entering the appropriate BACKUP
commands. (See Appendix F (page 301) for complete information about using MOUNT
and BACKUP commands to restore a system disk.)
5. Log out from the DCL environment.
6. Choose the install/upgrade option (1) on the menu and perform the installation or
upgrade procedure again.
C.6 Troubleshooting InfoServer Boot Problems
For problems using the OpenVMS Integrity servers InfoServer software for network booting,
consider the following:
1. When you attempt to boot over the network, check your console display for the following:
• The IP address of the boot server that sends your EFI console the OpenVMS Integrity
servers loader file (VMS_LOADER.EFI). If this IP address is not as expected, your client
host might be in the database of the wrong boot server. Enter your client host IP address
in the database of the correct boot server (see step 5 of Section C.4 (page 235)), and
remove your client from the database of any other boot servers.
• The version number of the IPB.EXE bootstrap file that is loaded (for this release, the
version should be 8.4). If this version number is not the correct version of OpenVMS
Integrity servers, a message indicates there is a mismatch. The boot server might be the
source of the problem. Make sure that it is configured correctly. Make sure the client
entry in the boot server’s database has been updated to point to the current version of
the loader file (see step 3 and step 6 of Section C.4 (page 235)).
• Evidence that DHCP is not responding. If you do not see a message indicating
autonegotiation has been started, make sure the closest network device or switch is set
for autonegotiation.
2. If the network boot succeeds but your attempt to choose a service or to display services at
the InfoServer menu fails, a device might be filtering the LASTport/Disk (LAD) protocol.
This protocol does not provide routing functions and only works within a LAN. If filtering
devices are used in an extended LAN, the devices must allow this protocol (protocol type
is 80-41) to pass through unfiltered so that clients can access the InfoServer across the filtering
For LANCP and LANACP problems, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2:
Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems for more information.
C.6 Troubleshooting InfoServer Boot Problems 243