116 USING THE M208’S COMMAND SET: npsh Command Set
set sysinfo logport prn|com1|com2|syslog
Set the I/O port to receive M208 debugging information or set it to go back to
SYSLOGD on a TCP/IP host. If the syslog option is selected, you must set the
IP address of the host it will send the details back to.
set sysinfo module [[-]novell] [[-]appletalk]
Set the Print Server to handle particular protocol modules.
See also: Manipulating the M208’s Services on page 133.
set sysinfo name [
Set the name of the M208. This is just a string and is not used in the operation
of the unit. If namestring is not included in the syntax, the field is emptied.
set sysinfo syslog
Set the IP address of the host which will receive debugging information from
the unit and printer logging through SYSLOGD. Please see the earlier set sys-
info commands and set logpath on page 108 for further syslog configuration.
set sysinfo descramblekey ABCD
sets the descramble key to match the value found in npscramble.c.
set sysinfo email fred@
sets fred as the user to receive printer logging as long as the logport is set to
email. This printer logging just includes job information.
See also: list sysinfo on page 101.
set time
set time
hour minute
Set the current time. hour is based on the 24 hour system, minute and second
are from 0 to 59.
See also: list time on page 101.