38 CONFIGURING THE M208 FOR TCP/IP: M208 Configuration
ifnum is the index to a particular Network Interface. ifnum will always be 1 for
the M208 since there is only one network interface, Ethernet.
9 [Optional, but recommended] Configure root and guest user passwords with the
following commands.
set user passwd root
set user passwd guest
10 Save these configurations to EEPROM. Enter:
11 Verify the IP address and netmask. Enter:
list stored tcpip
These are now stored in EEPROM.
12 Logout of the Telnet session with quit. Then reboot the M208 by powering the
unit off, then on.
13 Test the equipment and configuration after installation is complete. Enter at the
shell prompt on your UNIX machine:
Manual Configuration Through the Network with RARP
The RARP daemon provides a mechanism for dynamic IP address assignment. When
a RARP-configured TCP/IP host boots, it broadcasts a RARP request for an IP
address. Your network must have this daemon running on some host. If you do not
know whether your network has one, please ask your system administrator or config-
ure the M208 with one of the other methods in this section.
To configure the M208 with RARP, you need to:
1 Make an entry in the /etc/ethers file for the new M208.
00:80:72:00:AB:CD spike
entry for the M208 named spike which has this Ethernet address.
2 Start the RARP daemon if it isn’t running. Send a HUP signal to it with the kill
kill -HUP pid