Jabber The condition when a transceiver’s carrier sense electronics mal-
functions, and the transceiver broadcasts in excess of the speci-
fied 150ms range time limit and creates an oversized frame.
Usually caused by a faulty network interface card in a device on
the network.
Jam A short encoded sequence emitted by a transmitting node overrid-
ing other colliding packet signals. It is the method by which
Ethernet indicates to all network nodes that a collision occurred.
kbps Kilobytes per second.
LAN Local Area Network. A data communications network which is
geographically limited (typically to a 1 km radius) allowing easy
interconnection of terminals, microprocessors and computers
within adjacent buildings. Ethernet and FDDI are examples of
standard LANs.
late events A late event (or late collision) occurs when two devices transmit
at the same time, but due to cabling errors, neither detects a colli-
link integrity signal A test signal that informs a hub of the presence of a DTE connect
to it over a twisted-pair cable and of the integrity of that link.
LF to CLRF mapping Linefeed to carriage return-linefeed conversion.
load-balancing Balancing print jobs between more than one printer so each
printer is kept busy.
logpath Logging path. Format and location for printer logging informa-
LPD Line printer daemon. A program used for printing on BSD sys-
MIB Management Information Base. A set of variables (database) that
can be accessed via a network management protocol.
model Specifies a destination’s characteristics. Each model includes one
or more settings that act as mini-filters for each job passing
through the associated destination.
NetBIOS Network Basic Input Output System. Standard interface to PC