Chapter 5 109
Graphics interface
Figure 33 System configuration window
Help menu
The Help menu has two entries: About and Contents. The About
selection displays the version number of cxtest running and the
Contents selection opens a browser that can scroll through the help file.
Display area
The display area shows the output of the tests. This output consists of
messages that indicate when the tests start, the amount of time that the
test has be running, and any error information. The user can not cut and
paste from this area. To record what transpires in test session, use the
Log to File option.
When a test is started, a large ABORT button appears. Use this to
escape out of a long test sequence or to stop a test not configured
correctly. After using the ABORT button, reset the node from the
Command menu. Once the abort command has been sent to the test
controller, the button will disappear. The abort button also disappears
when the test completes successfully.