274 Chapter 12
Scan tools
• memory size—An argument used to deconfigure larger amounts of
memory across all memory boards on a node.
• net cache size—Refers to the memory shared between nodes in each
node’s network cache. The network cache should be the same across
all nodes in a complex.
Miscellaneous commands
sppdsh miscellaneous commands are described below:
• assert <node_id>—Assert reset on node_id; a deassert must
• assert_soft <node id>—Asserts a soft reset on node id.
• assert_toc <node_id> alt_name <E_name> <ID_number>—
Asserts transfer of control on node_id.
• deassert <node_id>—Negate reset to <node_id>.
• clock <stop|clock1> <node>:<ring>:<part>—Issue special
clock operations to node:ring:part.
• fprint “hello world %s is %d” $variable 0xff—Format
• alt_name <E_name> <ID_number>—Return the alternate name of
a system board or component. For example, entering alt_name
, produces IOLF_B. This command does not support the
• deassert <node id>—Deassert reset to node id.
• reboot <node id| complex name| all>
Reboots the node or complex specified. It can use default or new
values for POST configuration data. Default values are determined
by POST after ignoring existing values. After POST runs, control can
be transferred to OBP, EPSDV, POST interactive mode, Test
Controller in stand alone mode, or the Test Controller in interactive
mode. When default is specified control is transferred to OBP.
• clock <node id> [ext|nom|high]—Changes the clock margin
on all nodes in contact with the teststation.