
Chapter 12 287
Scan tools
Before using the JTAG scan interface on the Utilities board, teststation
utilities must reserve the JTAG hardware on a time-sharing basis. It has
the following format:
jf-reserve_info sends a broadcast packet to all nodes on the
diagnostic LAN requesting the latest JTAG reservation information. The
JTAG utility firmware responds to the request with output similar to the
joker-t(hw2a)% jf-reserve_info
RSV Node Node name UID PID TTY Time of reserve Command
--- ---- -------------- ------- ----- ----- ------------------- -------
- 0 hw2a-0000 sppuser 2934 pts/3 Oct 26 16:40:19:229 sppdsh
The RSV column indicates whether the JTAG hardware is currently
reserved. This column may contain a Y (indicating YES) or “-], indicating
no current reservation.
If the JTAG hardware is reserved, the output includes information about
the teststation utility that is currently using the JTAG hardware.
If the JTAG hardware is not reserved, the process information shown is
historical data about the last process that reserved the JTAG hardware
on the specified node.