Chapter 3 73
Power-On Self Test
Contiguous memory block not found
This message indicates that POST could not find a block of contiguous
memory to place at address zero to achieve good memory. POST will
report no main memory to the OBP for this failure.
For example:
HP/UX good memory region could not be achieved.
Processor not reported
This message indicates that a processor failed to mark itself in the
system report register. Reporting happens early in the sequence, and
this failure usually indicates the processor has failed to execute any
For example:
Failed probe of PB1R_B, CPU failed to report in.
Processor initialization/selftest failure
This message indicates that a processor failed at some point during
initialization or selftest. The chassis code for the module that failed is
For example:
Failed probe of PB1R_B
chassis code 0x6103C
Processor not responding to interrupt
This message indicates that a processor properly initialized itself but did
not respond to an external interrupt
For example:
Failed probe of PB1R_B
cpu PB1R_B did not respond to an interrupt
Shared Runway bus failure
This message indicates that an available processor has been
deconfigured because it shares a Runway bus with a processor that failed
to probe