
Schematic Capture - Basics
4-32 Electronics Workbench
4.8 Finding Components in Your Circuit
To quickly find a component in the workspace:
1. Choose
Edit/Find. The Find Component dialog box appears.
2. Enter a string in the
Find What field.
Wildcards are allowed, for example:
•“V1 finds only the exact string V1
•“*1 finds any string ending with 1
•“V* finds any string starting with V
•“*V* finds any string containing V
a ? anywhere in the string will match exactly one character. For example, R? will
match R1, but not R12.
3. In the
Search for box, select one of the following buttons:
All searches all elements for entered string
Parts searches all parts for entered string
Nets searches all nets for entered string
Off-Page Connectors searches all off-page connectors for entered string
HB/SC Connectors searches all HB/SC connectors for entered string.
4. In the
Search Options box, select one of the following from the Search From drop-down:
Current Sheet search will be conducted on the contents of the current sheet only
Current Design search will be conducted on the contents of the current design only
All Open Sheets search will be conducted on the contents of all open sheets
All Open Designs search will be conducted on the contents of all open designs.