Schematic Capture - Basics
4-48 Electronics Workbench
page 4-50 for details.
Insert Object Dialog Box — use to select the type of object for insertion. Refer to page 4-50
for details. Formatting Circuit Description Box Text
You can format currently-selected text in the Circuit Description Box by using the following
commands from the
Description Edit Bar:
Font button — click to select the desired font name, size, etc.
Bold button — click to make the selection bold.
Italic button — click to italicize the selection.
Underline button — click to underline the selection.
Note The above commands are also available by selecting
Color button — click to display a palette where you pick a color for the text. This palette
will also display if you select
Format/Font Color.
Left Justification button — click to align the selected paragraph(s) along the left margin.
You can also select
Format/Align Left to perform this command.
Center Justification button — click to center-align the selected paragraph(s). You can also
Format/Align Center to perform this command.
Right Justification button — click to align the selected paragraph(s) along the right margin.
You can also select
Format/Align Right to perform this command.
Insert Bullet button — click to insert a bullet at the beginning of the selected paragraph(s).
You can also select
Format/Insert a Bullet to perform this command.
Note See also, “4.10.2 Description Edit Bar” on page 4-51. Paragraph Dialog Box
Use the Paragraph dialog box to enter paragraph formatting information for the
Circuit Description Box.
To enter paragraph formatting information for the
Circuit Description Box:
1. Open the
Edit Description window as described in “4.10 Circuit Description Box” on
page 4-47.
2. Select
Format/Paragraph to display the Paragraph dialog box.
3. In the
Indentation box, enter the measurements in the following fields as desired:
Left — the distance the left side of the paragraph is indented from the left margin.
Right — the distance the right side of the paragraph is indented from the right margin.
First Line — the distance the first line of the paragraph is indented from the left