A-18 Electronics Workbench
A.1.6.15Tools/Internet Design Sharing
Use to communicate and share designs with others, either across a network or using the
Internet. For details, see “10.5 Internet Design Sharing” on page 10-6.
A.1.7 Reports Menu
A.1.7.1 Reports/Bill of Materials
Lets you print a Bill of Materials (BOM) for your circuit. A BOM lists the components used
in your design and provides a summary of the components needed to manufacture the circuit
board. For details, see “9.1 Bill of Materials” on page 9-2.
A.1.7.2 Reports/Component Detail Report
Lets you produce a report showing all information stored in the database for a particular
component. For details, see “9.2 Component Detail Report” on page 9-5.
A.1.7.3 Reports/Netlist Report
Lets you print a report that provides circuit connectivity information for each component. For
details, see “9.3 Netlist Report” on page 9-6.
A.1.7.4 Reports/Cross Reference Report
Lets you produce a detailed list of all components in the active circuit. For details, see “9.6
Cross Reference Report” on page 9-11.
A.1.7.5 Reports/Schematic Statistics
Lets you print a report that lists the quantities of various elements in your circuit, such as real
components, virtual components and nets. For details, see “9.4 Schematic Statistics Report”
on page 9-8.
A.1.7.6 Reports/Spare Gates Report
Lets you produce a report that lists the components in a circuit that have unused gates. For
details, see “9.5 Spare Gates Report” on page 9-9.