
Using USPS
Confirmation Services
SV61156 Rev. F
Make sure you have an adequate supply of pre -printed labels provided by your Pit-
ney Bowes or SECAP dealer (see Section 5 for ordering instructions). Please do not
use re tail la bels supplied by your Post Of ce – they won’t work with your system.
Before You Start
3. Using Confirmation Services—an Overview
Be sure to se lect the green label for Delivery Con rmation, the pink la bel for
Signature Con rmation, or the dark hunter green label for Certi ed Mail.
Make sure your mailing system is set up to connect to the Data Center, the
way you are normally connected when adding postage.
Note that con rmation services are not available for In ter na tion al Mail, APO
or FPO mail, or for items ad dressed to U.S. territories, possessions, or freely
as so ci at ed states (with the exception of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Is-
You should be thoroughly familiar with the operation of your mailing system
and electronic scale (if you’re us ing one). Please see the op er at ing guides
fur nished with your equip ment for com plete in struc tions.
Pre-Printed Label
Retail Label from Post Office
(Do NOT use)
• has “e” in upper left corner
• 22 digits for barcode
• no “e” in upper left corner
• 20 digits for barcode