
Digital Mailing Systems
SV61156 Rev. F
1. What if there is no delivery information available
when I visit the web site?
If there are no delivery or event scans in the sys tem
(attempted, forwarded, etc.), you will be told that there
is no record of that mail item. If you mailed the item
recently, it may not yet have a de liv ery scan. Try your
inquiry again later.
The absence of a delivery scan for a mail piece does
not necessarily mean the item wasn’t de liv ered. It's
pos si ble the piece was delivered but the scan wasn't
cap tured.
The Postal Service reports that its current scan rate
is approximately 95% nationally, and con tin ues to im-
2. What does it mean when the Internet response is:
“The system is unable to respond to that que ry.
Please try again later?”
The system is busy. As with any Internet system, per-
for mance can be affected by many outside in flu enc es.
If you receive a sim i lar mes sage, try again at a later
3. Can I save the information to my hard drive?
Yes, you can save the Web page.
7. Frequently Asked Questions
Using the Internet
for Tracking