
Using USPS
Confirmation Services
SV61156 Rev. F
Services (cont.)
4. If I combine confirmation services with another
spe cial service, which article number do I use to
get information on my mailed item—the insured
mail number or the confirmation number?
Both numbers are valid for separate purposes. Use
the USPS confirmation services number to get de liv ery
status information through the USPS web page or our
web page. Use the insurance number for claims.
5. Can letter carriers accept confirmation services
pieces from customers if the label is affixed?
Yes, as long as the correct postage has been ap plied,
the confirmation services label is affixed to the mail
piece, and a return address is in clud ed on the mail ing.
6. How do I waive a signature on Signature Con fir -
ma tion?
Use Delivery Confirmation instead.
7. Frequently Asked Questions