
Using USPS
Confirmation Services
SV61156 Rev. F
7. Frequently Asked Questions
5. Why would I use Return Receipt After Mailing?
After mailing, if you decide that you want a doc u ment
for proof of mailing, you can get a Return Re ceipt. The
cost for a Return Receipt after mail ing is higher than
one obtained at the time of mail ing.
6. Can I use the Certified Mail feature of the mailing
system if I need “Proof of Mailing”?
No. To gain “proof of mailing”, you must present Cer-
ti fied Mail at the Post Office. A Postal Service rep re -
sen ta tive will use a date stamp to cer ti fy that the mail
was accepted for delivery by the Postal Ser vice. This
can be important to mail ers who re quire legal proof of
7. What classes of mail can I use Certified Mail with?
First-Class Mail and Priority Mail only.
8. Do I have to fill out any forms when using the elec-
tron ic filing feature of the mailing system?
No. However, you should maintain adequate in for ma-
tion about the mail piece for future ref er ence.
Electronic Filing
of Certified Mail