
Digital Mailing Systems
SV61156 Rev. F
1. Do USPS confirmation services provide the op por-
tu ni ty for enroute tracking and tracing?
No. The Postal Service may perform enroute scans
but they are not a part of the Confirmation ser vice.
Track ing and tracing, which provide cus tom ers with
enroute information scanned at multiple points as well
as delivery information, is regularly provided only with
Express Mail.
2. Do First-Class Mail or Priority Mail guarantee deliv-
ery by a certain date?
No. You can use the USPS confirmation service to
confirm delivery date and time; but it doesn’t guar an-
tee de liv ery by a certain date and time. Express Mail
provides guaranteed delivery.
3. Can I combine confirmation services with other
spe cial services?
Yes, you can combine them with the following oth er
special services: Insured Mail, COD, Reg is tered Mail,
Return Receipt for Merchandise, Mer chan dise Re turn,
and Special Handling. Return Re ceipt and Re strict ed
Delivery Services are avail able when pur chased in
con nec tion with Insured Mail, COD (over $200), and
Reg is tered Mail.
You can now combine confirmation services with Cer ti-
fied Mail by using the Certified Service.
7. Frequently Asked Questions