
Using USPS
Confirmation Services
SV61156 Rev. F
4. Step-By-Step Instructions
DM300c, DM400c,
DM450c, DM475
and DP300C,
DP400C, DP450C,
DP475 Systems
Only (cont.)
C. If you want to delete a record, select Delete Re-
cord. A list of records by barcode numbers is dis-
Select the record you want to delete. You are
prompted to delete the record.
• Select Yes, delete.
If you want to delete additional records, select
Yes. If you do not want to delete additional re-
cords, select No.
D. If you want to add a record, select Add Record.
Follow the prompts to rate the mail again, i.e., se-
lect the class and fee and enter the ZIP Code and
barcode number. There is no option to print the add-
ed fee. The added record includes the base class
plus the confirmation services fee.
E. If you want to edit a record, press the green down
arrow key and select Edit Record. You can edit the
last eight digits of the barcode number and the last
two digits of the ZIP Code.
Select the record you want to edit.
To edit the barcode, select Barcode. Make the
necessary edits, and then select Accept.
To edit the ZIP Code, select ZIP. Make the nec-
essary edits, and then select Accept.
• Press Enter when done editing the record.
5. Press the Home key to return to the Home screen.