
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 147
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
Conv. UPC-E To UPC-A
This paramet er c onver ts UPC- E (ze ro su ppre ssed ) dec oded data to UPC-A f ormat
before tr ans missi on. After conversi on, dat a f ollows UPC-A format and is af fe cte d
by UPC-A programming se lec ti ons ( e.g., Preamble, Check Digit).
Conv. UPC-E1 To UPC-A
This paramet er c onver ts UPC- E1 (ze ro s uppre sse d) de coded data to UPC-A f ormat
before tr ans missi on. After conversi on, dat a f ollows UPC-A format and is af fe cte d
by UPC-A programming se lec ti ons ( e.g., Preamble, Check Digit).
Refer to “Pr ef ix/ Suffix” be ginni ng on p age 144. UPC/EAN Shared Settings
The parameter s you set here are a sha red acr oss all availab le UPC and EAN
bar codes.
Enable Bookland EAN
Setting t his para meter to ON allows your s cann er t o re cogni ze Bookland EAN
bar cod es.
'Suppleme nta ls” are addi ti onal ly ap pended characters (2 or 5) .
Double-tapp ing t h is par amete r di spl ays a list of opt ions . If Ignore is ch osen,
UPC/EAN is decoded and the suppl ement al c hara cte rs a re i gnor ed. I f Decode is
chosen, UPC/ EAN symbols a re d ecoded with supplementals . Autodiscriminate
works in conj unct ion with t he Supp. Redundancy pa ramet er.
Supp. Redundancy
With “ A utodi scr imin ate ” sel ect ed i n the “Supplement al s” pa ramet er, “Supp.
Redundancy” adj ust s the number of times a symbol without suppl ementa ls i s
decoded before transmission.
When you doub le-tap on this parameter , a di alog is displa yed in which you can e nter
a value bet we en 2 a nd 20. A val ue o f 5 or above is r ecommended when
Autodiscriminate i s se lec ted and you are decoding a mix of UPC/EAN symb ols
with and without suppl ementals.