
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 165
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (HHP)
Minimum And Maximum Length
The length of a code refer s t o the number o f cha rac ter s ( i.e., h uma n re adabl e
characte rs), includi ng check digit (s). Double-tappi ng on these paramet ers displa ys a
screen in which you can set the minimum and maximum allowable code lengths – 1
to 48.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Discrete 2 of 5
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “Dis crete 2 of 5” .
Minimum And Maximum Length
The length of a code refer s t o the number o f cha rac ter s ( i.e., h uma n re adabl e
characte rs), includi ng check digit (s). Double-tappi ng on these paramet ers displa ys a
screen in which you can set the minimum and maximum allowable code lengths – 1
to 48.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Telepen
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “Telepen”.
If you choos e AIM Outpu t, t he imag er r eads symbols with start /st op pattern 1 and
decodes the m a s st anda rd f ull ASCII (start/st op pattern 1). If you ch oose Original
Output, the i mag er rea ds symbol s wit h st art/stop patt er n 1 and decodes th em as
compress ed numer ic with optional ful l ASCII (s tar t/ sto p pat ter n 2).