
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 185
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Intermec ISCP) Code 11
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “Code 11” .
Check Digit Verification
The available opti ons f or this para me ter ar e MOD 10 Check and Double MOD 10
Check.This par amete r us es t he specifie d al gori thm of the opti on you' ve chosen to
ensure the integrity of the sy mbol dat a be for e tr ansmi tt ing. I f t he da ta do es not
contain t hat a lgor it hm, the data is not t ran smit ted.
Transmit Check Digit
If the che ck digit is to be tr ansm it ted with the data , thi s pa ram et er m ust be e nabled.
Minimum Length
Minimum lengt hs f or t he ba r cod e can be set from 0 to 255. The length of a code
refers t o th e number of characte rs ( i.e ., human re adab le c haracters) , inc ludi ng
check digi t(s ).
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Interleaved 2 of 5
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “I nter leaved 2 of 5” .
Reading Range
This paramet er de ter m ines the rea ding distanc e fr om which a bar code can be
successfu ll y scanned. The def ault set ting, Extended, allows f or i ncr eased
reading di sta nce.
Check Digit Verification
The available opti ons f or this para me ter ar e Disabled, MOD 10 Check and French
CIP. “Check Digit Verifica tio n” use s t he specifie d alg ori thm of the option you' ve
chosen to ensure t he integrity of the symb ol data befor e transmitti ng. If the da ta does
not contai n tha t a lgor it hm, the data is no t t rans mitt ed.