
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 153
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
Enable CC-C And Enable CC-AB
To activate t hese components , set these parameters to on.
Enable TLC-39
This compos it e compon ent i n te gra tes MicroPDF417 with the linear code. Se tt ing
this para me ter to on enables this pa rameter. PDF-417
Setting t his parameter to on enabl es PDF- 417 t wo dimens iona l (2 D) coding.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Micro PDF-417
Setting t his parameter to on enables “Micr o PDF-417” bar code scanni ng. Mic ro
PDF-417 is a mult i- row symbol ogy t hat is useful for a ppli cat ions re quiring greater
area effi cie ncy but lower da ta capacity than PDF-417.
Code 128 Emulation
When this para meter is enabled, the s canner transmi ts dat a fr om cert ai n Micr o
PDF-417 symbols as if it was encoded i n Code 1 28 symbol s.
If Code 128 Emulat io n is enabled, the following Micro PDF-417 symbols are
transmitt ed wi th on e of the following prefixes:
]C1 if the f ir st codewor d is 903- 907, 912, 914, 915
]C2 if the f ir st codewor d is 908 or 909
]C0 if the f ir st codewor d is 910 or 911
If Code 128 Emulat io n is set to off, the Mi cro PDF-417 symbols are transmit ted
with one of t he f oll owing prefixes:
]L3 if the fir st code word i s 903- 907, 912, 914, 915
]L4 if the fir st codeword is 908 or 909
]L5 if the fir st codeword is 910 or 911