
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 227
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Battery Charging–LED Behaviour
6.10.5 Battery Charging–LED Behaviour
The quad docking station supplies DC power to e nabl e the WORKABOUT PRO
internal fa st char ge r. Charge st atus is displaye d on t he han d-he ld LED
the LED
turns red while the battery is being charged and turns gr een o n ce t he ch arge i s
complete. If the battery is ful ly c harge d when t he uni t i s inserted in t he doc king
station, the LED f las hes red for less than a se cond an d then turns gr een . Battery
char gi ng cont inues whether the WORKABOUT PRO is switched on or off.
It can ta ke up t o 4 hou rs to fully charge the int ern al ba ttery.
6.10.6 Troubleshooting
The indicat ors , appl ica ti ons a nd dri ver s required to use and monitor the docki ng
station a re i nst al led o n the WORKABOUT PRO
no indicat ors or appli cat ions are
present on the docki ng st ati on i tself. Network Link Unsuccessful
If a networ k li nk fa il s, the WORKABOUT PRO applicati on al er ts t he ope rat or t hat
the link was unsuc cessful. Hand-Held LED Does Not Light When Docked
Check tha t t he qua d dock ing s tat ion has poweris the Po wer LED on t he
docking sta ti on il lumi nated?
Try in ser ti ng the WORKABOUT PRO in anothe r wel l i n the quad d ock.
Check for dirt or contaminati on on the docking cont acts at the bott om of the
WORKABOUT PRO. Wi pe t he co ntac ts wi th a damp cl oth i f ne ces sar y.
Check the pogo p ins i nsi de t he doc k cr adle for dirt. Gently wi pe wi th a
damp cloth if the y appear to be d ir ty or discoloured .
Check tha t the pogo pins are not bent or da maged.
Remove and reinse rt the WORKABOUT PRO in the cradle , and check that
the lat ch i s ho ldi ng t he unit in pla ce ( the pogo pins must be compre ssed for
proper cont act ).
Make cert ai n tha t t he bat te ry i nst all ed i n the WORKABOUT PRO is not