
Appendix B: Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)
SMS Menu
B-14 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
WAN icons will be displayed in t he t ask bar.
Tapping on the Sounds option displays a di alo g box i n whic h you ca n customize
which sounds yo ur hand-held wi ll e mit a nd when t hes e sounds will be pla yed.
B.1.5 SMS Menu
SMS (Short Message Servi ce) fun cti ons a re a ccessed thro ugh the SMS menu. For
modems that supp ort a SIM car d, the SIM initi al iza ti on typ ica ll y takes longer tha n
the network initiali zat ion, result ing i n a noticeable delay befor e t he SMS func tio ns