
Appendix A. Bebop Tag Library Reference 179
Tag Description
define:option name=... [value=...]
[selected=...] [bundle=...] /
defines an option within a select widget or
checkbox/radio group.
define:component classname=... Creates a component of the given class and adds
it at the current location in the page. Requires
that the component class have a no-argument
Table A-2. Tags available for defining Bebop components
Note that if a JSP tag does not exist for adding a particular component to a page, it is trivial to create.
As a last resort, you can use the generic define:component tag if the class has a no-argument
constructor. It is also trivial to escape into Java from a JSP and create a component object explicitly
in a Java scriptlet:
define:page name="p" title="page title"
MyComponent c = new MyComponent();