36 Chapter 7. Developing with WAF
includes a secure telnet replacement and a secure file-copy utility (scp). Both open source and propri-
etary implementations of SSH exist for virtually every OS. An open source implementation of SSH
for Unix-like systems can be found at http://www.openssh.org. The site also provides pointers for
various alternatives to OpenSSH.
The OpenSSH client is often packaged with the following Unix and Unix-like systems:
• Linux
• *BSD (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD)
• Apple OSX
• Legacy Unices (Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, SCO, Irix, etc.)
For Win32 systems, a good open source application is PuTTY, found at
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/. It is a Telnet/SSH client which also supports
sftp (secure ftp) and scp on a Win32 platform.
The ultimate output of WAF is HTML pages. These can be viewed in any modern Web browser.
For the most part, Web browsers will "just work", although each browser may implement standards
For actual development efforts, it is highly recommended to use a version control system, also called
software control management (SCM). Several mature systems exist. On the open source side, there
is CVS (http://www.cvshome.org). The Red Hat Applications development teams use Perforce for
version control. If your code might integrate back into the main development tree, you may want to
look into Perforce at http://www.perforce.com.
7.3. Developer Support
WAF provides the Developer Support application to give developers high-level information about
each server request. Developer Support shows data such as request duration, number of queries, and
information about each query executed. In addition, Developer Support allows developers to adjust
their server logging level at runtime.
7.3.1. Enabling Developer Support
To enable Developer Support, edit your enterprise.init file and set the following initializer to
init com.arsdigita.webdevsupport.Initializer {
active = true;
To disable Developer Support, modify your enterprise.init file and modify the webdevsup-
port Initializer so that active = false.
Once you have enabled Developer Support in your enterprise.init file, you must restart the
servlet container in order to use it. E.g. if you are using Tomcat, service tomcat restart is
You should always make surethat DeveloperSupportis disabled inaproduction system. Developer
Support imposes a significant performance penalty on systems as it collects and stores request
debugging information.