
Chapter 7. Developing with WAF 41
ant clean
ant deploy
ant javadoc
ant deploy-api
Example 7-1. Shell-script to build and deploy from within Eclipse
In your ant.properties file, make sure that you have set compile.debug=on. Once you have
created this shell script, in Eclipse go to Run =
External Tools = Configure. A dialog box will
appear for configuring external tools. Select New and in the Tool Location input box, select your
shell script for deploying WAF. Select the options:
Block until tool terminates
Show execution log on console
Then, select OK. Now, in Eclipse, your shell script will appear under Run = External Tools. Use
that to build and deploy WAF from within Eclipse.
7.4.4. Eclipse Debugging Configuration
To do runtime debugging of WAF within Eclipse, you will need to add a new Resin launch config-
uration for running WAF and a new Remote Java Application debug configuration for attaching to
WAF Execution Setup
To be able to run WAF from Eclipse, select Run =
Run. Select Resin and then click on New.
Then, enter information for the following tabs:
Main Tab
To set your project, select the highest-level project, which is the project no other projects are
dependent on. This is where you select your resin.conf.
Arguments Tab
In the VM arguments text box, enter the following, all in one line this line is broken for
printing purposes with a "\":
-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=\
dt_socket, server=y, suspend=n,address=8000 -Xms128m -Xmx128m
You may allocate more memory than 128 MB to the server if you wish.
Classpath Tab
Add all the external JARs under $RESIN_HOME/libto your user classes.
Common Tab
At the bottom of the dialog box, select Display in favorites menu: Run.
You are now finished and may close the dialog box.