Chapter 7. Developing with WAF 41
ant clean
ant deploy
ant javadoc
ant deploy-api
Example 7-1. Shell-script to build and deploy from within Eclipse
In your file, make sure that you have set compile.debug=on. Once you have
created this shell script, in Eclipse go to Run =
External Tools = Configure. A dialog box will
appear for configuring external tools. Select New and in the Tool Location input box, select your
shell script for deploying WAF. Select the options:
• Block until tool terminates
• Show execution log on console
Then, select OK. Now, in Eclipse, your shell script will appear under Run = External Tools. Use
that to build and deploy WAF from within Eclipse.
7.4.4. Eclipse Debugging Configuration
To do runtime debugging of WAF within Eclipse, you will need to add a new Resin launch config-
uration for running WAF and a new Remote Java Application debug configuration for attaching to
WAF Execution Setup
To be able to run WAF from Eclipse, select Run =
Run. Select Resin and then click on New.
Then, enter information for the following tabs:
• Main Tab
To set your project, select the highest-level project, which is the project no other projects are
dependent on. This is where you select your resin.conf.
• Arguments Tab
In the VM arguments text box, enter the following, all in one line — this line is broken for
printing purposes with a "\":
-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=\
dt_socket, server=y, suspend=n,address=8000 -Xms128m -Xmx128m
You may allocate more memory than 128 MB to the server if you wish.
• Classpath Tab
Add all the external JARs under $RESIN_HOME/libto your user classes.
• Common Tab
At the bottom of the dialog box, select Display in favorites menu: Run.
You are now finished and may close the dialog box.