
Chapter 7.
Developing with WAF
This chapter introduces prerequisites to working with WAF as well as the tools that are available to
the developer.
It ispresumed that anyone developing for WAF hassufficient knowledge in hisor her area ofexpertise
and can perform accordingly. For this reason, both high-level concepts, such as database design and
programming theory, and basic concepts, such as command line usage and shell scripting, are not
7.1. Developer Education
A developer undertaking additions and modifications to this complex system needs a sufficient level
of appropriate knowledge. In particular, a developer should be knowledgeable and skillful in the fol-
lowing areas:
Java — the programming language used in WAF.
Servlets and JSP — the J2EE standards used in WAF.
SQL used for directly accessing the relational databases in cases where the object-relational
mapping provided by the persistence engine is deemed insufficient.
UML parts of the Unified Modeling Language’s basic vocabulary, especially those related to
class diagram, are used by the persistence framework.
XML and XSLT — key standards used in the WAF presentation system.
CSS — used to style WAF pages.
Concepts of Object Oriented (OO) programming.
Relational database design and object-relational mapping concepts.
In addition, a knowledge of Perl is necessary for extending the build system. PL/SQL and PL/pgSQL
are used to maintain certain denormalizations in the database.
A developer either needs to understand how to install, configure and administrate the chosen database
or have an experienced DBA performing those functions.
Finally, anyone who is involved with the installation, configuration and administration of the server(s)
and development environments for the WAF implementation requires sufficient skill in the target
installation OS, e.g. Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS.
Chapter 14References contains references toadditional resources that canhelp inunderstanding WAF.
7.2. Third-Party Development Tools
Tools are very straightforward. Because the WAF system is designed around open standards and open
source solutions, a developer is given a wide range of development tools and environments.
Programming is done primarily in Java, for which numerous Integrated Development Environments
(IDE) exist. One useful open source IDE is Eclipse. Integration of Eclipse with WAF is covered in
Section 7.4Setting Up Eclipse andWAF.A developer can also useany text editor such asvi orEmacs.
For access to build systems and configuration files, either console or remote access to servers is re-
quired. The bestchoice for remote access isSSH, a protocol suite ofnetwork connectivity tools which