38 Chapter 7. Developing with WAF
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7.4. Setting Up Eclipse and WAF
The following sections describes how to set up a WAF development and debugging environment
within Eclipse, an open source Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
7.4.1. Installing Eclipse
1. Install WAF — install as normal, using the RPM’s and WAF Autobuild system. For more infor-
mation, see the Red Hat Web Application Framework Installation Guide:.
2. Install Eclipse — Eclipse can be obtained from http://www.eclipse.org. Install using RPM, if
In order to take advantage of the anti-aliased fonts within Eclipse, use a build of Eclipse designed
for the GTK in Red Hat Linux 8.0 and later.
3. You may also wish to install the Perforce, Resin, and JavaCC plugins for Eclipse, which can be
found at:
• http://sourceforge.net/projects/p4eclipse
• http://www.improve-technologies.com/alpha/resin
• http://sourceforge.net/projects/eclipse-javacc
4. To install the Perforce and Resin plugins, use the Eclipse Update Manager by selecting Help =
Software Updates = Update Manager. Next, add bookmarks for the download URLs listed
by the plugins’ Web sites. The Update Manager can then automatically download and install the
Perforce and Resin plugins.
To install the JavaCC plugin, download the plugin and unzip it in Eclipse’s plugin directory. Then,
follow the instructions in the plugin’s README file.
5. Install Resin — if you are using the Resin application server. You may download Resin at Cau-
cho’s website: http://caucho.com. You may also want to download the source code for Resin in
order to trace through its code when debugging.
7.4.2. Eclipse Preferences Configuration
To set preferences within Eclipse, go to Window =
Preferences. Noteworthy preferences include:
• Workbench = Editors. There is a key bindings option where you can select Emacs key bindings.
• Java = Compiler = Errors and Warnings. You probably only want to select Error for the
• Unreachable code
• Resolvable import statements