Chapter 7. Developing with WAF 45
try {
} catch (FooException ex) {
Example 7-4. Swallowed stack trace anti-pattern
There is no debug(Throwable throwable)method — there is only debug(Object msg). Same
goes for warn, info, etc. The above statement is essentially equivalent to the following:
This is probably not the intended result.
What if you want to log the current stack trace? The easiest way to do this isto log a new Throwable:
s_log.debug("got here", new Throwable());
Example 7-5. Logging the current stack trace
A variation of this technique is to add a public Throwable field to a class.
public class Frob {
// add the following line temporarily
public final Throwable STACK = new Throwable();
Example 7-6. Tracking the origin of an object
Once this has been done, you can write code such as this:
class Foobar {
void doStuff(Frob frob) {
if ( !checksOutOK(frob) ) {
s_log.error("Got a sketchy frob", frob.STACK);
This allows you to figure the origin of the frob object at a distant point further down the execution
7.5.3. Runtime logging level manipulation
Logging levels are usually configured at system startup via the configuration file. It is possible to
change the logger’s level at runtime. One way to do thisis via the Developer Support interfaces. (See
Section 7.3 Developer Support.) From the programmatic point of view, runtime manipulation of the
logging level boils down to something as simple as this:
// assume s_log is instance of Logger
This sets the logging level for the s_log logger to warn. This means that messages output via, say,
debug(Object msg, Throwable throwable) will be suppressed, because warn is stricter than
The standard pattern for instantiating loggers that is used throughout WAF is as follows: