3. Conducting a Remote Session
3.2.7 Server/Serial
– Clicking on the Server/Serial icon displays a drop-down list of ports that are accessible to the currently logged-in account. Simply
select a port to access it.
3.2.8 Full Screen
– Clicking on the Full Screen icon (or pressing [Alt] + [Enter]) toggles full screen mode on/off.
3.2.9 Logout
– Clicking the Logout icon closes your remote session, but does not log you out of the Web Configuration Interface.
3.3 Shared Session
By default, a remote session is accessed in Share Mode, unless the Exclusive Session checkbox in the Session Profile screen is checked
(see the Session Profile section in this manual for details). Share Mode gives access to up to 5 accounts to the same port at the same
time, allowing them to collaborate their work and share a remote session. All accounts in a shared session see video at the same time and
share the Keyboard/Mouse control. Keyboard/mouse commands are performed by whichever account takes control. Once an account stops
using the keyboard/mouse, another account can immediately start using it. When initiating a remote session in Share Mode, the following
message appears:
3.4 Exclusive Session
When in a remote session without any other logged in accounts, you can prevent other accounts from accessing the same port as you by
checking the Exclusive Session checkbox in the Session Profile screen (see the Session Profile section of this manual for details). An account
accessing a Target Server in an Exclusive SessionistheonlyonewhocanseethevideoandcontroltheKeyboard/Mouse;otheraccounts
are prevented from accessing the port at the same time. Note: Exclusive Mode prevents accounts from remotely accessing a port at the
same time; however, administrator accounts still have the ability to disconnect a session and then take over access to the port, and a local
account can access the port and disconnect your session.